This video introduces the Business Case 3 “Building Life cycle, from planning to renovation”. The main objective of this business case is to facilitate interoperability between different tools and datasets used throughout the entire building lifecycle.  Interoperability is crucial for enabling seamless data exchange, promoting data reuse, reducing setup costs, and unlocking new advanced services for buildings.This business case is divided into three use cases, each addressing specific interoperability challenges.

  • Use Case 5 “Interoperability between BIM, BMS, CMMS and building simulation engines”, whose objective is to guarantee interoperability between different data acquisition and generation systems throughout the building’s lifecycle.
  • Use Case 6 “Interoperability of BIGG with EEFIG-DEEP” that aims at ensuring interoperability between the BIGG platform and DEEP.
  • Use Case 7 “Interoperability between EU Building Stock Observatory (EUBSO) and national/regional Energy Performance Certification (EPC) hubs through BIGG”, which focuses on ensuring interoperability between the EU Building Stock Observatory and national EPC hubs through the BIGG platform